Website Strategy and Support


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Website Production and Management

Building a strategic website takes time, planning and creativity. Our team of digital experts offer support to the GW community to ensure that each website accurately represents the university and that you —the website owner— are able to clearly present the information your audiences need.

As experts in content strategy, analytics and website management, we will partner with you in creating a strong website to communicate with your audience.

Planning, Building and Maintaining Your Website


Choose a CMS System

A Content Management System (CMS) is the application that your website is built on. In partnership with the Division of Information Technology, we offer two CMS options: GW Drupal and GW Blogs.

Select CMS Platform


Develop a Web and Content Strategy

As one of your most important marketing tools, building your website takes time, critical thinking and creativity. To get started, follow our key steps to define an effective strategy.

Get Started on Your Strategy


Optimize and Analyze Your Site

GW offers enterprise-wide tools to ensure all web and accessibility standards are met and to allow you to track, optimize and analyze your site performance. Explore Siteimprove, Google Analytics and more.

Access Web Tools


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Training and Support

Request Assistance During Office Hours

Our team is available to provide support for GW Drupal and blogs, web strategy, accessibility, social media, email marketing, Google analytics, Siteimprove and more. We offer one-on-one support virtually or on the Foggy Bottom Campus through our daily office hours. An appointment is required.

Schedule Appointment


Request Customized Training

Interested in a group training for your office? Have a suggestion for a new training topic? Our team offers customized trainings for many digital platforms and tools used across GW. If you're not sure if your needs require a custom training, contact us to discuss at [email protected].

Request Training Session


GW Events Calendar


Find or Add Upcoming Events

The GW Events Calendar is our central resource for information about GW events. The calendar informs a large university audience about school/college, center/institute and departmental events and initiatives. University events are quite varied, ranging from program information sessions to museum exhibitions to athletic games and more.

View Events Calendar


About the Calendar

The calendar features events organized, hosted or sponsored by GW that take place on- and off-campus. Events may be open to the general public or might be private events for GW faculty, staff, students and/or alumni. Learn more about best practices and policies for submitting events, how to use the calendar, and request administrator access.

View Best Practices